Saturday, October 31, 2009

night gliders


(alive in the light)
they began the morning as mortal souls
an adventurous buck and a slightly skittish gal
awake and alert
sun kissed in the warm daybreak

walking, walking, walking
tiny critters rustled in the dry brush, some brave enough to scurry across the dirt path. birds squawked and cawed and chirped. wings flapped, propelling the flight forward.

bright-eyed and bushy-tailed were the two explorers
unsuspecting of the impending circumstance traveling their way
unaware of the fleeting refuge
of an ephemeral sunlight


(deceased in the dark)
the full moon crept out of his hiding place
a damp and murky hole
stretched out, rigid, stiff

the boy/girl duo marched along
long since a golden shimmer stroked their cheek
silver moonbeams cast a colder hue

the creatures of the day are a more wild thing in the night. our innocent (maybe just naive) couple would grasp this important part of the story soon. they came upon a sweeping meadow. tall blades of sliver grass swayed with the wind. the air was perfumed with the dew of night blossoms and the sky was dotted with fiery gleaming stars.

standing in the vast openness they held hands, quite appreciative of their unity with the forest. a miniature bunny hopped into view, cocked her head to the side and stared. the slightly skittish gal took notice and nervously tugged the sleeve of the adventurous buck.

glowing evil eyes
a demon presence
an apparition, boogieman, thing who goes bump in the night

frozen, a chill ran down
a daytime fantasy turned nightmare
the hallucination of horror


on all hallows eve two harmless travelers were devoured. ravaged by the haunted ghouls and goblins of the night disguised as furry friends. the demon deer charged from the front and the bunny fiends attacked from the rear. vampire bats and crows swarmed above like ravenous locust.

draw in a deep uneasy breath
eye's closed
a final firm and enduring embrace

the adventurous buck and slightly skittish gal peered affectionately (with considerable fear) into each other’s anguished eyes. they silently conversed with their minds and most regrettably swallowed their frightening fate. the crickets quieted and the cool breeze came to a fast halt.

a distant screech crescendos into a sharp shrill shrieking and all at once
the bloody feast, carnival of carnage, smorgasbord of flesh


to die by your side
well, the pleasure the privilege is mine
oh, there is a light and it never goes out
there is a light and it never goes out
there is a light and it never goes out
there is a light

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